Coaching - English

Welcome to our Coaching Blog. I hope it will be great help for you. We will start first explaining each of the areas we work with. At 'Blog' you can continue following this conversation. Please take into account that you have to use the Google Translator to follow it, since our main language is Spanish.


Coaching is a not so old word used to describe a conversational process, in which a Coach supports a Coachee (who can be a private person or a group of people from an institution) through powerful questions to achieve goals, unfold situations, take decisions and generate change. Coaches are also known as: Change experts.

The word coaching comes from two concepts: from the English word 'coach or sports trainer', who is the person that motivates and guides another person or a team to develop their maximum potential and achieve the set goals, and the French word ‘coach’, who refers to a carriage and is related to the idea of guiding or taking someone to the expected destiny.

The Coaching as it, is a short process in which the Coachee is autonomous in his decisions. The Coach is only a facilitator of that process by using questions and doing observations. The Coachee takes his own decisions, establishes his own commitments and actions, and develops what he planned by himself; all this with the Coach’s support, who will never give suggestions, but a lot of support, tools and motivation.



The word leadership is a very used word, but not so much grasped and understood. Many have the concept that leadership is a synonym of position, power and authority (or better said: authoritarianism). Nevertheless, leadership as it has nothing to do with positions, nor the use of power, nor authoritarianism. Leadership is simply influence. A real leader doesn’t require a position or power or bossing around to apply his leadership. Leadership is something that is build up by the trust and credibility we have generated in others. Leadership is founded on the relationships we have and the quality of influence we have on others; not by punitive or coercive media, but through the connection and respect that we generated in others. A good leader has followers... but not any kind of followers, but people that follow him because they’re convinced by themselves that this leader can take them to a better future. As the biggest leader of all times said - Jesus from Nazareth: 'He who wants to be the greatest among you, has to be the less'. We can say then, that leadership is a synonym of service. Jesus, who is considered the greatest leader of all times, transformed the whole history of human kind with just a bunch of people. He poured all his life into them, and invested all his time into that 12 people, so that through his influence in them, they would be changed to be new people, that at the same time would transform from then on other people from generation to generation.


Mentoring is the greatest expression of leadership, and is related with coaching because it uses coaching techniques in his processes, but it’s different in the fact that in mentoring we work with a more intense friendship and development relationship. That’s why in mentoring we speak of a 'master' and an 'apprentice'. The master invests his life, experience and knowledge into the apprentice, with the goal of helping this one to develop not only his maximum potential, but also his life purpose. Normally a lifelong relationship between master and apprentice is developed.

In my personal opinion, the best way to develop people, is when we use a healthy and wise combination of this three definitions. I prefer to work individually with someone, and take them step by step to their maximum potential as a person, as a leader and as a mentor, than giving a seminar to a multitude, since the effectiveness of the first will have a longer term impact, and not so the acquisition of information of the second.

For more information on this topics, I invite to write to me through this blog. I gladly will answer your questions.

Wishing you the best, your Coach and Friend,

David A. Roncancio H.


3 comentarios:

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